Frequently Asked Question(FAQ)

Simply use our search feature on the homepage or navigate to the “Institutes” section. You can search by the name of your institute or organization to find all related products.

If you can’t find your institute, you can request to add it through the “Request Institute” feature. Provide the necessary details, and we’ll work on adding it to our platform.

Yes, we cater to both individual and bulk orders. For bulk purchases, please visit our “Bulk Orders” section for more information and to submit an inquiry.

We pride ourselves on directly sourcing high-quality fabrics from manufacturers. Our products are sewn by trained SHG women, ensuring quality craftsmanship while empowering local communities.

Absolutely! We offer customization services, including custom logo wear. You can specify your customization requirements when placing your order.

We accept returns within [X days] of delivery for most products in their original condition. Please refer to our return policy page for detailed information and exceptions.

Delivery times vary based on location and order details. Typically, orders are dispatched within [X days] from our quality assurance center, with delivery taking an additional [X days].

Once your order is dispatched, you’ll receive a tracking number via email. Use this number on our website or the courier’s website to track your order’s status.

We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and popular e-wallets. All transactions are securely processed.

If you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach out to us via the “Contact Us” page, where you’ll find our email, phone number, and a contact form for direct inquiries.

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